Hi, I’m Jigar, and I like helping teams deliver good software.
I excel in challenging environments that require creative thinking, and I am good at getting things done. I enjoy all aspects of software development, and I have a track record of delivering solutions that customers love.
Some of my notable current or past projects include:
- creating a learning platform that will help bring application security skills to development teams all around the world
- working with a wider government team to enhance the New Zealand Covid19 contact tracing solution
- architecture, design and development of a cloud SaaS product, leveraging the power of big data to deliver life saving drugs of the future
- helping Auckland Museum reach massive audiences with an API driven approach to digital transformation
- setting up devops practices, designing and implementing APIs for one of Australasia’s fastest-growing tourism and transport companies
- customising a project management product for Telekom Deutschland, one of Europe’s biggest telecom operators
- helping develop APIs for real time tracking of public transport in Auckland
- working with a broadcast company to streamline their video on demand catalogue services
I have experience with the following technologies (groupings are arbitrary):
- Go (Golang) / Java / Scala / Groovy
- Akka / Reactive Streams / Apache Camel
- Play / Spray / Tomcat / OSGi / Lagom / Jersey / Serverless
- PostgreSQL / Elasticsearch / Neo4J / MongoDB / GraphDB / Sesame
- Apache Spark
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) / Heroku / Azure
- Kubernetes / DC/OS / Mesos / Marathon / Docker
- Android / React Native
- REST API’s / Linked Open Data / JSON-LD / Semantic Web
- Terraform / Ansible / CloudFormation
- Bitbucket / Github
- Gitlab / Bamboo / Travis / Jenkins
- Monolithic applications / Microservices